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Documentation Development

Documentation Structure #

We aim to follow the Diátaxis Framework where possible. This framework specifies four distinct categories: Tutorials, Explanation, How-to Guides, and Reference. As you contribute to the documentation, use the framework as a guide to help you decide where to add content. We recognize that not everything will fall into the four categories and welcome suggestions on how to improve the documentation to make it more useful for everyone.

Checkout and Serve Docs Locally #

Follow the steps below to work locally with this project.

  1. Make sure you have a Ruby environment set up locally.
  2. Fork, clone or download this project.
  3. Install ruby dependencies: bundle install
  4. Install node dependencies: npm install
  5. Build and preview: bundle exec jekyll serve
  6. Preview the site at
  7. Make changes to the content of the site and preview them at the link above.

Note: Changes to _config.yml require you to stop the Jekyll server (^C) and restart it with bundle exec jekyll serve.

Add a New Page #

You can add .md and .html files to this project to be rendered. Most pages are written in Markdown.

  1. Go to the _src folder and locate the section you’d like to update.
  2. Create a new file called Use dashes as spaces in your file name.
  3. Add front matter to your new file.
  4. Add your Markdown content.
  5. If you’ve set up a dev environment, you can preview your new page on

Front Matter #

All pages require front matter to render properly. At a minimum you will need to specify:

  • layout: The template file to use when rendering the content. For most pages use doc. Custom templates can be created and placed in _layouts.
  • title: The title of the page.
  • weight: This controls how pages are displayed in menus and lists. The first file in each section should be named and have a weight of 1. All other pages within a section should have a weight of 2. You can use additional numbers to control how pages get sorted in each section.
  • Optional permalink: This allows you to set this page’s URL. You can use this to override Jekyll’s automatically generated URLs. Ex. /resources/plugins


layout: doc
title: My New Doc
permalink: /tutorials/new-doc
weight: 2

Add a New Section #

  1. Create a folder named _newsection in the src directory.
  2. Create a new file called Set the weight: of this page to 1 – it’ll be the home page for this section.
  3. Add your Markdown content. Since this is an index page it may be helpful to add some information about this new section. Create additional pages as needed and link to them from this page.
  4. Update collections: in _config.yml. Ex:
    output: true

Add Images #

  1. Create an images folder in your section.
  2. Create an additional folder that matches the name of the document that contains images.
  3. Add photos to this folder.
  4. You can refer to them with images/my-document/filename.jpg in your pages.

Add Table of Contents to a Page #

The TOC is managed through the jekyll-toc gem. You can read about its configuration here.

This is added to all pages by default. It can be turned off by setting toc: false in the fromt matter of the document.

Builds will fail to deploy if links are broken. You can check for broken links locally with this command before pushing changes:

bundle exec jekyll build && bundle exec htmlproofer --log-level :debug ./_site/ --assume_extension --http_status_ignore 503 --url-ignore "/,/localhost/"

If you’d like to skip external links, add --disable-external:

bundle exec jekyll build && bundle exec htmlproofer --log-level :debug ./_site/ --assume_extension --http_status_ignore 503 --url-ignore "/,/localhost/" --disable-external

Deploy #

This project is deployed via Netlify using the steps defined in netlify.toml in the root of the Meltano project.

Troubleshooting #

Liquid Syntax Error #

You may receive an error on some pages when trying to use fenced code blocks:

Liquid Warning: Liquid syntax error (line 670): Expected end_of_string but found open_round in "" in $PATH/src/_reference/

To fix this, wrap the code block in and tags:

meltano config <transform> set _vars <key> <value>

export <TRANSFORM>__VARS='{"<key>": "<value>"}'

# For example
meltano config --plugin-type=transform tap-gitlab set _vars schema "{{ env_var('DBT_SOURCE_SCHEMA') }}"

export TAP_GITLAB__VARS='{"schema": "{{ env_var(''DBT_SOURCE_SCHEMA'') }}"}'