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Plugin Definition Syntax

This document describes the syntax for defining plugins contributed to Meltano Hub.

name #

Required. The name of the plugin. The tuple (name, variant) must be unique.

name: airflow

variant #

Required. The name of the variant. New variants of existing plugins usually come form forks or re-implementations.

variant: apache

namespace #

Required. This is used to configure multiple plugins that are meant to work together.

namespace: airflow

label #

A human-readable label for the plugin.

label: Airflow

description #

A brief description of what the tool, API, or file is used for.

An example description for Salesforce:

description: Customer-relationship management & customer success platform

docs #

The URL of the plugin’s documentation.


repo #

The URL of the plugin’s repository (in GitHub, GitLab, etc.). In the case of extensions wrapping another application this should point the applications repository, not the extensions.


repo_ext #

The URL of the plugins extensions repository itself (in GitHub, GitLab, etc.).


executable #

The default executable to call when invoking plugin commands.

executable: airflow_invoker

capabilities #

Array of capabilities that the plugin supports. For example:

- catalog
- discover
- state

The full list of defined capabilities is below:

catalog capability #

Declares that the plugin supports stream and property selection using the --catalog CLI argument, which is a newer version of the --properties capability.

Note: The catalog capability is a newer version of the properties capability. Singer taps which support field and stream selection logic should declare the properties or catalog capability, but not both.

properties capability #

Declares that the plugin supports stream and property selection using the --properties CLI argument.

Note: The properties capability is an older version of the --catalog capability. Singer taps which support field and stream selection logic should declare the properties or catalog capability, but not both.

discover capability #

Declares that the plugin can be run with the --discover CLI argument, which generates a catalog.json file. This is used by Meltano in combination with the catalog or properties capability to customize the catalog and to apply selection logic.

state capability #

Declares that the plugin is able to perform incremental processing using the --state CLI option.

Note: This capability must be declared in order to use incremental data replication.

about capability #

Declares that the plugin supports a --about CLI argument and a paired --format=json to optionally print the plugin’s metadata in a machine readable format. This capability can be used by users to better understand the capabilities and settings expected by the plugin. It may also be used by Meltano and MeltanoHub codebase to auto-detect behaviors and capabilities.

stream-maps capability #

For Singer connectors, declares the ability to perform inline transformations or ‘mappings’ within the stream. For more details, please see the Singer SDK Stream Maps documentation.

pip_url #

A string with the plugin’s pip install argument. Can point to multiple packages and include any of the pip install options.

pip_url: apache-airflow==2.1.2 --constraint${MELTANO__PYTHON_VERSION}.txt

maintenance_status #

The maintenance status of the plugin. See the JSON schema for the most up-to-date list of maintenance statuses.

maintenance_status: active  # allowed values: active, beta, development, inactive, deprecated, unknown

domain_url #

The URL of the plugin’s domain.


logo_url #

Path to the plugin’s logo in the Meltano Hub repository.

logo_url: /assets/logos/orchestrators/airflow.png

definition #

Markdown formatted text that defines what the plugin is and what it does.

definition: is an [orchestrator]( that allows for workflows to be programmatically authored, scheduled, and monitored via Airflow.

settings_preamble #

Text to display before the settings in Meltano Hub, in Markdown format.

settings_preamble: |
  Meltano [centralizes the configuration]( of all of the plugins in your project, including Airflow's. This means that if the [Airflow documentation]( tells you to put something in `airflow.cfg`, you can use `meltano config`, `meltano.yml`, or environment variables instead, and get the benefits of Meltano features like [environments](

  Any setting you can add to `airflow.cfg` can be added to `meltano.yml`, manually or using `meltano config`. For example, `[core] executor = SequentialExecutor` becomes `meltano config airflow set core executor SequentialExecutor` on the CLI, or `core.executor: SequentialExecutor` in `meltano.yml`. Config sections indicated by `[section]` in `airflow.cfg` become nested dictionaries in `meltano.yml`.

next_steps #

Documentation for the next steps after installing the plugin, in Markdown format.

next_steps: |
  1. Use the [meltano schedule]( command to create pipeline schedules in your project, to be run by Airflow.

  1. If you're running Airflow for the first time in a new environment, create an admin user:

     meltano invoke airflow:create-admin
     # This is equivalent to `airflow users create` with some arguments in the Airflow documentation

  1. Launch the Airflow UI and log in using the username/password you created:

     meltano invoke airflow:ui

     By default, the UI will be available at at [`http://localhost:8080`](http://localhost:8080). You can change this using the `webserver.web_server_port` setting documented below.

  1. Start Scheduler or execute Airflow commands directly using the instructions in [the Meltano docs](

usage #

Free text describing how to use the plugin, in Markdown format.

usage: |
  ## Troubleshooting

  ### Error: `pg_config executable not found` or `libpq-fe.h: No such file or directory`

  This error message indicates that the [`libpq`]( dependency is missing.

  To resolve this, refer to the ["Dependencies" section](#dependencies) above.

keywords #

Array of arbitrary keywords associated with the plugin, for search and classification purposes.

- api
- meltano_sdk

requires #

Other plugins that this plugin depends on.


  - name: files-airflow
    variant: meltano

requires.<plugin_type>[*].name #

See the full in the requires section above.

requires.<plugin_type>[*].variant #

See the full in the requires section above.

commands #

The commands that are available for this plugin.


    args: "users create --username admin --firstname FIRST_NAME --lastname LAST_NAME --role Admin --email"
    description: Create an admin user.
    args: webserver
    description: Start the Airflow webserver.

commands.<command_name>.args #

Command line arguments for the command.

commands.<command_name>.description #

Friendly description of the command.

commands.<command_name>.executable #

Optionally, override the plugin’s default executable when running this command.

commands.<command_name>.container_spec #

The container specification to use for the command.


- name: dbt
  pip_url: dbt-core~=1.0.1 dbt-postgres~=1.0.1
      args: compile
        command: compile
          DBT_PROFILES_DIR: /usr/app/profile/
        - "$MELTANO_PROJECT_ROOT/transform/:/usr/app/"
      args: docs generate
        command: docs generate
          DBT_PROFILES_DIR: /usr/app/profile/
         - "$MELTANO_PROJECT_ROOT/transform/:/usr/app/"
      args: docs serve
        command: docs serve --no-browser
          DBT_PROFILES_DIR: /usr/app/profile/
        - "$MELTANO_PROJECT_ROOT/transform/:/usr/app/"
          "8080": "8080/tcp"

Use this with meltano invoke to run commands in a container.

commands.<command_name>.container_spec.image #

The Docker image to use for the command.

commands.<command_name>.container_spec.command #

The command to run in the container.

commands.<command_name>.container_spec.entrypoint #

The container entrypoint to use for the command.

commands.<command_name>.container_spec.ports #

Mapping of host ports to container ports.

commands.<command_name>.container_spec.volumes #

An array of host volumes to mount in the container.

commands.<command_name>.container_spec.env #

A mapping of environment variables to set in the container.

settings_group_validation #

An array of arrays listing the minimal valid group of settings required to use the connector. A common use case is defining which settings are required for different authorization methods.

An example definition for Redshift where there are 3 types of authorization available:

- - host
  - port
  - user
  - password
  - dbname
  - s3_bucket
  - default_target_schema
  - aws_profile
- - host
  - port
  - user
  - password
  - dbname
  - s3_bucket
  - default_target_schema
  - aws_access_key_id
  - aws_secret_access_key
- - host
  - port
  - user
  - password
  - dbname
  - s3_bucket
  - default_target_schema
  - aws_session_token

settings #

Each plugin variant in Meltano Hub has a settings property. Nested under this property are a variable amount of individual settings. To improve the UX of this form, each setting has a number of optional properties.


- name: core.dags_folder
  label: DAGs Folder
  value: $MELTANO_PROJECT_ROOT/orchestrate/dags
- name: core.plugins_folder
  label: Plugins Folder
  value: $MELTANO_PROJECT_ROOT/orchestrate/plugins

settings[*].name #

Required. The name of the setting.

- name: setting_name

settings[*].aliases #

Optional. An array of aliases for the setting.

- name: setting_name
  - setting_name_alias
  - setting_name_alias_2

settings[*].description #

Optional. Use to provide inline contextual help for the setting.

- name: setting_name
  description: |
    This is a setting description.

settings[*].documentation #

Optional. Use to provide a link to external supplemental documentation for the setting.

- name: setting_name

settings[*].env #

Use to delegate to an environment variable for overriding this setting’s value.

settings[*].kind #

Optional. Use for a first-class input control. Default is string, others are integer, boolean, date_iso8601, password, options, file, array, object, and hidden.

- name: setting_name
  kind: integer
- name: setting_name

settings[*].label #

Optional. Human-friendly text display of the setting name.

- name: setting_name
  label: Setting Name

settings[*].placeholder #

Optional. Use to set the input’s placeholder default.

settings[*].protected #

Optional. Use in combination with value to provide an uneditable default in the UI.

- name: setting_name
  protected: true

settings[*].tooltip #

Optional. Use to provide a tooltip for the setting when rendered within a UI that supports tooltips.

- name: setting_name
  tooltip: Here is some more info...

settings[*].value #

Optional. Use to set a default value for the setting

- name: setting_name
  value: default_value

env #

Optional. Environment variables that will be used when expanding environment variables in lower levels within your project’s configuration, and when running the plugin. These environment variables can make use of other environment variables from higher levels as explained in the configuration guide.

  ENV_VAR_NAME: env var value