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Part 4 - Inline Data Mapping

Let’s learn by example.

Throughout this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the creation of a end-to-end modern ELT stack.

In parts 1, 2, and 3 we built an ELT pipeline. We took all the data from the commits on one repository at GitHub and extracted the authors working on it. However now we realized, we stored a lot of information where we really might want to hide a few of those pieces.

We’re going to do light-weight transformations, also called “inline data mappings” to clean up the data before storing them anywhere. We will use these inline data mappings to hide all emails inside the JSON blob we receive. In the Meltano world, these data mappings are also called stream maps.

If you're having trouble throughout this tutorial, you can always head over to the Slack channel to get help.

Installing the transform-field mapper #

To add inline data mappings, we need a new plugin. We’re going to use the mapper “transform-field”. To add this plugin, use the meltano add mapper command:

```console $ meltano add mapper transform-field Added mapper 'transform-field' to your Meltano project Variant: transferwise (default) Repository: Documentation: Installing mapper 'transform-field'... ---> 100% Installed mapper 'transform-field' To learn more about mapper 'transform-field', visit

We’re now going to add two mapping to this mapper.

Adding an emails-hidden mapping #

To add our first mapping, we’re going to edit the meltano.yml file located inside your root project directory. Modify the block for the transform-field mapper as shown below:

  - name: transform-field
    variant: transferwise
    pip_url: pipelinewise-transform-field
    executable: transform-field
    - name: hide-github-mails
          - field_id: "commit"
            tap_stream_name: "commits"
            field_paths: ["author/email", "committer/email"]
            type: "HASH"

Let’s go through this step-by-step

    - name: hide-github-mails

These lines define the name “hide-github-mails” as the name of our mapping. We can call the mapping using this name, and ignoring any reference to the actual mapper “transform-field”.

          - field_id: "commit"
            tap_stream_name: "commits"
            field_paths: ["author/email", "committer/email"]
            type: "HASH"

These lines define one transformation. We instruct to target the stream “commits”, and therein the field “commit”. We then use the field paths to navigate to the two emails we know are contained within this message and set the type to “HASH”. Using “HASH” means we will still be able to tell whether two emails are the same, but not be able to read the email. They will be replaced with a SHA-256 hash of the email.

Run the data integration pipeline #

Now we’re ready to run the data integration process with these modifications again. To do so, we’ll need to clean up first, since we already ran the EL process in part 1. The primary key is still the same and as such the ingestion would fail.

Drop the table inside your local postgres by running a docker exec:

docker exec meltano_postgres psql -U meltano -c 'DROP TABLE tap_github.commits; DROP TABLE analytics.authors;'

Now we can run the full process again using the meltano runcommand. We add the parameter –full-refresh to ignore the state Meltano has stored.

```console $ meltano run --full-refresh tap-github hide-github-mails target-postgres dbt-postgres:run 2022-09-20T13:16:15.441183Z [info ] Performing full refresh, ignoring state left behind by any previous runs. 2022-09-20T13:16:15.441183Z [info ] INFO Starting sync of repository: [...] 2022-09-20T13:16:15.901789Z [info ] INFO METRIC: {"type": "timer", "metric": "http_request_duration",[...] ---> 100% 2022-09-20T13:16:15.933874Z [info ] INFO METRIC: {"type": "counter", "metric": "record_count", "value": 21,[...] 2022-09-20T13:16:16.435885Z [info ] [...] message=Schema 'tap_github' does not exist. Creating... ... 2022-09-20T13:16:16.632945Z [info ] ... message=Table '"commits"' does not exist. Creating... 2022-09-20T13:16:16.729076Z [info ] ...message=Loading 21 rows into 'tap_github."commits"' ... ---> 100% 2022-09-20T13:16:16.864812Z [info ] ...Loading into tap_github."commits": {"inserts": 21, "updates": 0, "size_bytes": 4641} ... 2022-09-20T13:16:16.885846Z [info ] Incremental state has been updated at 2022-09-20 13:16:16.885259. 2022-09-20T13:16:16.960093Z [info ] Block run completed. .... ```

If everything was configured correctly, you should now see your data flow from your source into your destination! Take your favourite SQL tool, connect to the database using the connection details set and check the table commits inside the schema tap_github. The JSON blob inside the column commit should now contain no e-mail adresses but rather the hashed values for both fields.

Next Steps #

There we have it, a complete ELT pipeline with inline data mappings, congratulations!

One last thing for you to do: try to run the following command to celebrate:

meltano dragon

Next, head over to Part 5, scheduling of jobs.